

Beginning communicators

It seems that every year I am working with at least one child who is a beginning communicator.  I am always looking for new ways to teach and more information to teach myself and others how to best work with theses students.  I stumbled upon this great series by  PrAACtical AAC about Pre-intentional communicators.  I highly suggest that you go check it out at PrAACtical AAC.

In my classroom I use a combination of PECS (Picture Exchange Communication System), American Sign Language, and Augmentative communication devices to facilitate communication with my students. Over the next few posts I am going to talk about what I use and what I have found successful.  I hope that these posts will help others when working with beginning communicators.   Make sure you are following via email, bloglovin', facebook or Twitter so that you can keep up to date on all of the upcoming posts!!  photo blogsignature2.png


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