

Wow!! The past few weeks have been busy. I recently wrote my blog for Teach Hub about teacher organization and admitted that organization is not my thing. My desk "area" is a stack of piles. I wrote about some of the different binders that I use (sub binder, assessment binder, teacher binder....). Apparently my post was quite the hit! I got an email from the editor to say that it had over 4000 hits in one week. To me, that is HUGE! If you haven't read it yet and would like to, click here. I also added a new board to my pintrest page called Teacher Organization. I have been adding information on the different binders and also different organization ideas that I find. If you would like to check that board out click here. I would love feed back on what you use to organize your space. I am always looking for new ideas. Along these lines, I read an article about adult women with ADD on Friday and I found it really interesting. I have never been diagnosed with ADD, but find that I have some of the "characteristics". The article discussed how women with ADD don't put stuff away because then we will forget we have it.... light bulb!!! That completely made sense to me. So now I need to figure out how to put my stuff away, but not forget about it. I see a lot of inventorying and list making in my future. If you would like to read the article, here is the link. I am hoping to stop neglecting my blog, but I have a feeling with the new baby's arrival creeping up on us (end of March) it may not happen, keep your fingers crossed. I have so much to share!!


  1. I just found your blog. Congrats on your child! As for ADD, I had been experiencing a lot of anxiety and my doctor initially prescribed Xanax. Eventually, I went to see her for my yearly, and she realized my anxiety was triggered by my ADD. I've been taking Adderall, and my friends who have known me say that the difference is amazing. To be honest, my marriage was actually facing trouble, but since the ADD diag, I've developed better coping mechanisms and my hubs has been educating himself on what is/isn't going through my head.

    1. HI! Thank you for your comment. I really appreciate your honesty. It helps to know that I am not alone in some parts of life. Sorry it took me so long to respond. I got lost in the new baby!


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