
New blog alert (plus a giveaway!)

I just started following a new blog and I am already loving the new ideas I am getting. Go check out Lisa's blog Learning is Something to Treasure and while you are there be sure to enter her giveaway for a Teachers pay Teachers gift certificate (She has reached 50 followers, yay!!). She also has some great freebies!

On another note, we celebrated my 30th birthday yesterday since last weekend was crazy with Mother's Day. I just want to share the beautiful cake that one of my besties Desiree made for me. If you are local and ever need a cake definitely check her out she has a blog and a facebook page. Photobucket


  1. I love finding new blogs! I am your newest follower:) Stop by and visit me...

  2. well I feel really bad...Kelly left me this nice comment and I accidentally deleted it, luckily it was also emailed to me, so I can still share!

    "Wow . . . now that's a cake! I am glad I found you this morning . . . excited to see what you have up your sleeve :). Pop in for a visit if you find a moment.

    Kelley Dolling
    Teacher Idea Factory"


I love to hear from the crew!