This award comes with three rules. 1) Thank the person who gave it to you and link back to them in your post. 2) Share 7 things about yourself. 3) Pass this award on to 15 recently discovered blogs.
Ok, 7 things... lets see where shall I start...
1. I grew up on a farm in NJ. Well, it was actually my grandparents farm and we lived next door. I spent most of my time there however. My grandparents sold/sell Christmas Trees and pumpkins. It is a huge part of my childhood and I love taking my kids back there.

2. Speaking of kids... I have 2 boys... A is 5 and B is 2. And SURPRISE!!! I am pregnant with number 3. I am due April 3rd. This baby was a HUGE surprise to my husband and I.
3. I am a band geek. I started playing the flute in 4th grade. In 8th grade I joined the marching band and began playing the melophone (a marching french horn). I also play the piccolo and a little bit of cello. I am also a member of the National Honors band Fraternity, Kappa Kappa Psi.
4. I love exercising... it just seems like since I became a mom I can not find the time to do it. I have always wanted to run in a 5K... but I think it will be a while yet..
5. I love scary movies, yet I am easily scared. I just at the slightest noise in the dark.
6. I have been best friends with my bf since we were 5. She and I have been through a lot together and really grew up to different lives, but remained friends throughout! I just wished she lived closer!!!
7. My husband was always a bowler and when we got married got me onto a league. I never thought I would like it as much as I do. Unfortunately we can not bowl as often as we used to due to cost, but it is still lots of fun!!
Now for my 15 blogs.... ok... I know I have more... but the computer and I are not getting along, so I will add more later!!
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