
Working with Paraprofessionals

Over at A Special Sparkle we recently started a series for first year special education teachers.  I wrote a post about working with paraprofessionals that I thought you might be interested it.  Click on the image or here to check it out!  I would love to know your suggestions for making a lasting partnership with the paraprofessionals you work with,

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1 comment:

  1. I will provide my new paraprofessionals with a handbook that explains autism, and other disabilities in detail from a paraprofessional point of view, and goes over the procedures in my room, as well as expectations and a job description. I go over the centers in my room, who is responsible, why we have them, and provide them with Ieps at a glance for each of our students that details the goals, objectives, and accommodations. It's pretty thorough and comprehensive but needed so we are all on the same page when our students start. As a former paraprofessional, I would have appreciated this.


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