

Deck the Halls(freebie)

**Check out this post for an update on my Gingerbread man stuff!!!**

Have you started your wish list for the TPT cyber Monday sale?  You will be able to save up to 28% at my store and a lot of other stores. I have joined some of my blogging buddies in a links party to showcase some of our favorite products to the tune of some of our favorite Christmas Carols.

Let's get this party started with I'm Dreaming of a Christmas Product.  This is my latest interactive book featuring cute little gingerbread men (and women).  These gingerbread people are dreaming of being put in the correct spot such as over the house or between the elves.  My students have loved doing the different versions of these book.  Be on the look out for the student edition sometime this week!  

Next on our playlist is It's Beginning to look a lot like Reading.  This sight word game, Oh Snow, will have your students rocking and rolling into the new year with sight word confidence.  Put all of snowman cards in a fun winter container.  Students take turns pulling cards and reading the word.  If they pull Oh Snow!   The students needs to out all if his/her cards back.

And the last song on my playlist is Walking in a math Wonderland. This gingerbread themed practice sheet works on time to the nearest 5 minutes.  Best of all, it is FREE!

There are lots of other song on the playlist! Remember to use the code to save at TPT on 12/2 & 12/3!

Head over to Buntings, a Books, and Bainbridge and sing your way into Christmas break.

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