

Parent gifts

This year for parent gifts we made handprint calendars.  These came out super cute, but they were a lot of work to complete.  If you wanted to do this with your students I highly suggest giving yourself more than 3 weeks.  If I do this project again next year we will start in September as to allow for lots of time to fix mistakes, dry, and put it all together.   

To wrap the calendars I took big white envelopes and let the kids decorate them with stickers, markers, etc.  We then just slid in the calendar and sealed it shut. 

Did you make any gifts for parents?


  1. I just posted about the gifts I had my students make for their parents! We made cookie-in-a-jar mixes. I love the calendar idea. I might incorporate that into one of our beginning January activities! Maybe if we don't use paint that has to try we can get it done faster. Thanks for the great idea!
    Breezy Special Ed

  2. what awesome gifts these would make!! Thanks so much to create suggestions to, you're so creative! I'll be trying this out at some part :-)

  3. This looks like a great gift to give parents from their children. I am a huge fan of making homemade crafts to give to either parents or even friends. Have you ever heard of the website called Pinterest? They have a large number of ideas from making simple crafts, to crafts that look like they are store bought. I get multiple ideas from this sight for any holiday, along with ideas from other teachers that pin (term used once an idea is posted on the website) them to their own profile. I highly recommend viewing the site and checking out the MILLIONS of crafts and even other interests that may intrigue your hobbies!


I love to hear from the crew!