

Dinosaur unit (Freebie!!)

We did so many cool things during our dinosaur unit!  The kids really loved reading  all of the dinosaur books,  playing with plastic dinosaurs in the block area, walking like dinosaurs, and learning our dinosaur song.  We used this dinosaur song to practice pointing to words, identifying our letters (we circled them with a dry erase marker) and to introduce a craft we did with a baby dinosaur hatching out of an egg.  

I had the egg project from a few years ago , but it was hand drawn.  I decided to redraw it (Yes, I drew it all by myself!!! That is so exciting to me!!) on the computer. My kids loved singing the song that goes to the tune of "I'm bringing home a baby bumble bee".  One of my students has never been a tracker or reader (just not there developmentally yet) and he jumped right in with the song and was the best at tracking.  I could have been more proud!

Since I took all of the time to create this craftivity, I though it would be a great thing to share!  So here you go!  Click on the picture or here to download this craftivity for free!!  I would love to know if you have any cool activities that you do for a dinosaur unit.

I am linking this post up over at Teaching Blog Addict's Freebie Friday!!
Freebie Fridays

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  1. We just did a dinosaur unit in my 6:1:1 classroom. Although my kids seem to be a little older than your students (13-15), they loved the unit! One day we read a book about dinosaurs. Each student picked three of those dinosaurs to replicate. They used tissue paper painting to make it. We then used those dinosaurs in our habitats at the end of the unit. They had so much fun making them and the habitats looked great!

    1. Oh, that sounds like fun! Yes my kiddos are younger. I have a class of 6 4-year olds and then a class of k-2 students.


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