

World Autism Awareness Day

This is a copy of an email that I send to my co-workers.  I wanted to share with all of you in case you would like to use it!  

April 2nd marks the 7th year of World Autism Awareness Day.

As a special education community we know the impacts of Autism on our students and our families.  Lets celebrate our students unique differences by wearing blue on April 2nd (or an Autism Awareness t-shirt).  The same day businesses and homes around the world will be lighting up blue.  You can find out more by going to this website.

If you are interested in teaching your class a bit about autism here is some age based lesson plans.

You can also find a wonderful Arthur video on YouTube.

Last, but not least is a great video by Carly Fleischmann about what it feels like to be a person with Autism.

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  1. I really appreciate your sharing this letter. I am using it to share awareness with my co-workers. It was perfect. I teach 4th grade and my son has autism. I was not sure how to mention this to my co-workers. This was perfect. Thanks.

    1. I am so glad you were able to use it!

    2. I should also say when I signed it, I signed it
      Caitlin (and A, and all of my students)

      That way my son was also included.


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