Well after trying this game with my 5 year old B, I am in love. This game has built in differnitation. There are multiple ways to play and B even came up with more as we were playing.
Matics is a 2 player card game for ages 5 and up ( I feel like my preschoolers would be ok with this game also). It uses card numbers 0-12 and each card has different shapes on it and different colors (similar to a traditional set of cards, just different shapes). The game comes with 5 levels of play.
- Greater Than/less than: Each player turns one card. Announce the value of each card, larger number wins the hand.
- Addition: Each player draws two cards and adds his/her two cards. The larger Sum wins the hand. (For this one students can do the math in their head or count the shapes. I introduced adding to B with this)
- Subtraction: each player turns two cards. Subtract the smaller number from the larger number. The larger difference wins the hand.
- Multiplication: each player draws two cards and multiplies them. The larger product wins the hand.
Before the start of the game players decide how ties are resolved. I just told B that we would draw another card to determine who wins a tie.
We started by playing greater than/less than. B did great with this and picked up on it right away. During the game C (2 years old)decided he wanted to join in on the fun. He helped me by flipping a card when I said "1, 2, 3 flip!". After I was demolished in a round of greater thanLess than we tried additon. B did great with this also. First I showed him how to count all of the shapes, then we moved on to counting on. I again was badly beaten.
I was thinking of other ways to use these cards in my classroom and came up with a few.
- Sort by color
- Sort by shape
- Sort by number
- Player with the smaller number wins
- Put numbers in order
- Play go fish to work on number recognition (that was B's idea)
I think my most favorite feature of this game is that it comes with its own hard plastic case, no more flimsy boxes falling apart. The cards are also durable and survived my 2 year kid throwing them all around the living room.

Cards provide healthy visual and mental stimulation for kids to appreciate math, counting in particular. Wish my daycare will adapt Matics and forego a few old-school teaching techniques. - Layce of Studygeek.org