

Parent Gifts 2014

Well since Christmas is over I feel I can safely share the parents gifts we made.  I am not sure if any of my students parents actually read my blog, but I wanted to be on the safe side just in case!

With having such varying ages this year I did a few different things.  The first gift we made is an ornament.  All of the kids made these and I think they came out super cute!  I used a wreath die cut to cut out wreaths from foam in varying colors.  The kids then picked which wreath they wanted to decorate.  They then added stickers to it to make it their own. This made for lots of fine motor work as they had to peel the backs off of the stickers to get put it on their wreath.  My two year old class LOVED this activity.  After they finished, I added a piece of white foam to the back. I attached it with glue dots, but I am sure hot glue would work great also.  Then to add a picture to the middle I used the pictures that we get from our school pictures every year.  In addition to the kids pictures that they order we get 4 "stickers" with their pictures on it.  I stuck one of those stickers in the middle.  I then hole punched on the top and added a piece of yarn. Simple, yet cute and no out of pocket expenses.  Everything I used I had in my classroom already.

The next gift my older kids made. On the giveaway table I found some of the create your own mugs.  You know the kind that come with a coloring sheet.  We used something similar last year for Mother's day to make plant pots (Hmmm, did I ever write a post about those?).  To make the mugs the kids used brown paint and the finger of their choice to make finger prints on green paper.  I then added a nose, eyes, and antlers to make reindeer.  I just love the way they came out.  Personally as a parent I love these types of gifts and use them to store pens on my desk or my makeup in my bedroom.  I am hoping my students' parents treasure them as much as I do.

To wrap everything the kiddos used simple brown bags and added stickers and colored on them.  We then stapled the tops shut.  Not fancy, but done by the kids.  You can see them in the pictures above behind the mugs.

What kinds of parent gifts did you do this year?  If you wrote about it or have pictures please leave them in the comments. I always love new ideas!

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