

5 little pirates (freebie)

I hope you enjoyed yesterday's freebie!

Today I am going to share another activity I put together.  This one used a song that I found on Strong Start and modified it just a tiny bit.  I put the song on one sheet and laminated it so that it can be looked at for reference, but also so that students can look for words and circle them with a dry erase marker (Mr. Clean erasers work great to get the dry erase marker off!!).   I then took a work glove (I tried to find an example on Amazon, but no luck) and added velcro to the finger tips.  Then cut out the pirate pictures and added velcro to the pictures so they would hook to the glove.  Now the glove can be use with the poem to act it out.  As each pirate leaves, a student can pull it off the glove.

You can get your own copy of 5 Little Pirates by going here!  Please leave a comment on this post if you download.   Also check out my previous pirate freebies and classroom activities and my pinterest board to see some of the other activities I included in the box.

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  1. Thanks! Will be using this tomorrow for our Summer Preschool Camp Pirates day.

  2. Thanks for sharing this, and I love the clip art pirates! I just read a great article on line called Debunking Pirate Myths that would be terrific to discuss with older kids.

  3. Super cute! Will use this for Talk like a pirate Story Time.

  4. Great idea, I really love it.


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