I spent some time this week working with our local TTAC working on developing literacy kits that teachers can check out of the library. The library is really a neat thing to have access to. All we do is browse online, click check out and it it is mailed to us at school with an envelope to mail it back. The library has curriculum materials, testing kits, teacher books for professional development, and best of all assistive technology. It is great to be able to trial something with a student before we buy it and this gives us just that opportunity.
This past week I spent two days working on a pirate literacy box. I included lots of fun stuff in this box such as Shipwrecked to work on sight words, Communication boards for a Go Talk 9+, Beginning Sounds cards and a wheel, Pirate alphabet cards, a rhyming pirate file folder game and activities to go with the books Shiver me letters and How I became a Pirate.
I, of course, forgot to take a picture of the whole
box all put together, but I did take pictures of two activities that I want to share. The one I am going to share today is Pirate rhyming.
I made this to go with some of the other books included in that kit that had a rhyming theme to them. My thought process was that they rhyming activities could be used as a follow up to the book. It is really easy to put together. Simply print the pages. Glue one page of cards to the right side of open folder and glue the directions to the font of the folder. Laminate the folder and other set of cards. Cut out cards and use velcro to adhere the cards to the folder to store. Add velcro to the set already glued down so the student can put the match on top.
You can get your own copy of this activity by going here! Please leave a comment on this post if you download. Make sure you come back tomorrow to check out another activity that I put together. Also click here to check out my previous pirate freebies and classroom activities and here for my pinterest board to see some of the other activities I included in the box.
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