
The welcome letter.....

It came in the mail last week..... the letter.  The welcome back to school letter.  I have not been excited about it's arrival this year.  I have so much more to do in our new house and feel like the boys and I barely checked anything off of our summer bucket list.   One of my school BFFs got a new job also (Yay to C for being names Principal at her new school!) so that bums me out a bit also even if I am excited for her

Back to school time means getting some of my stuff ready to go.  I received my new planner from Plum Paper last month, but have not really dove into it yet.  I do love the larger size though and plan on pulling out the washi tape to color code a bit.

I also updated my IEP cards.  I needed a new font and I wanted to make it so that a teacher could edit them in Power Point and use various fonts and font sizes to fit in the needed information.  I am very happy with the way they came out and plan getting them set to hand out in 2 weeks.

Do you get a letter before you go back?  What things do you do to prepare at home before going into your classroom?

 I almost forgot to mention the our VA is for teachers collaborative blog is now live!! Lots of giveaways to enter.  Open to teachers anywhere (not just VA!).  Check it out here!

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