

Teacher Planner: SPED edition

teacher planner in special education
So a few years ago the teaching planner/binder craze really took off.  I started using a teacher binder (check it out here and here.) and I loved it, but it was huge.  I also really like the Erin Condren planners everyone was using, but could not see spending the money for something I could not use all of the pages on.  After some research, I found Plum Paper Planners.

teacher planner in special education
I have been using a Plum Paper Planner for 2 years now and just ordered a new one for this upcoming school year. I love it because all of my lessons and notes are in one spot.  I have places to add professional development, parent contact information, etc.  I use the notes section in each month to record PLC notes. The larger note section in the back I use to record notes from when I am having staffing meetings with the paraprofessionals I work with.  However, I also had a bunch of checklist pages that I never use.  I was also missing some components of the binder that I used to use such as having my standards and IEP information.  Then came the light bulb!

To make this planner work for me, I needed to make some minor adjustments.  I always type up all of my students' goals on one sheet so that I can easily refer to them (and so can the and gen ed teachers). I usually keep them in my data binder, but now I just put them on the checklist pages.  I also added my standards for ECSE (in VA we call them SOLs for grades K-12 and Foundation Blocks for early childhood).  In addition, I added my check sheet for progress reports and annual IEP meetings.  I also just taped in important info that I refer to often such as photo releases and parent contact information.
teacher planner in special education

When it comes to using the lesson planner portion this gets a little tricky.  Plum Paper gives you the option to have your classes pre-printed, but as a SPED teacher I know that my schedule is never set in stone.  This are always changing.  Also as SPED teachers we not only write plans for ourselves, but also for our paras.  Each year I have done things a bit differently.  This year, I put all of my plans (stuff that is for me to teach) in my planner.  I had separate sheets for my paras.  I did have one block on mu plans to jot notes in for what I wanted in my para plans.  This past year I taught 2nd grade in the morning and preschool (ECSE) in the afternoon.  To differentiate between the two in my planner I just drew a squiggly line.
teacher planner in special education

This year I will be making some minor changes in what I am adding to my planner.  I am going to make binder clips so I can laminate and hook in papers that I need to keep all year.  (I will share once I have it done)

If you are interested, there is a Plum Paper teacher planner group on Facebook where teachers share different ideas (more than just PP planners).

I hope this gave you some ideas on how you can still use the "cute" planners as a special education teacher. I would love to know how you use your planner. Please leave your blog posts or ideas in the comments below.

**This post is not sponsored by  Plum Paper.  I did not receive an compensation of any type. All opinions and ideas expressed are my own**

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