

Simple experiments for the Pre-K - 2nd grade classroom

Simple Science Experiments for PreK-2 classrooms

Experiments in the classroom can be awesome for some and scary for others.  I love doing various experiments with my students.  Just like cooking, there is so much you can tie in to make is cross-curricular.  To give you some ideas of what you can do in your room, my boys and I did some experiments together.  Their ages are 8 and 5 and they loved all of the activities we did!!


We explored density by adding 3 liquids to a mason jar.  We used maple syrup, water (we used food coloring to make it blue) and vegetable oil.  The kids took turns adding the liquids (we started with the syrup, then the water, and lastly the oil).  When adding each liquid we predicted what would happen.  We then experimented with density by dropping various items and seeing where they would settle.  This was a huge hit!!  They dropped all kinds of stuff into the jar:  paper clips, chocolate chips, crackers, toothpicks, a penny, animals crackers, and cheese.  It was so neat to see where each item settled.  In the classroom, you could make a prediction sheet for this and have the kids record what they think will happen and what really does happen.
Explore density with this simple science experiment

Marshmallow Structures (STEM)

The last activity we did involved using marshmallows and spaghetti noodles.  We used these to build structures.  My husband walked in just as we were starting so he jumped in on the action.  It was neat to see how each kid put the structure together.  The ultimate goal was to have the structure support something, but we never got that far. 

Using marshmallows to make supporting structures

Scented Playdough (Recipe included!)

The first thing we made was peppermint scented playdough.  This was super easy and came out great! The kids helped measure, mix, and add ingredients.  Afterwards, they played with it and it kept well in a plastic bag.   I typed up the recipe for you and you can get it by click here!

With this activity you can talk about what happens as you add each ingredient, why might the water need to be hot, etc.  For ideas on what you can do with the playdough, check out this previous post

Make scented playdough to use in the classroom


Slime is the new hit thing right now.  We actually made two different kinds.  The first was a kit that B insisted I get from Michael's. ( I am sure by looking at the picture of the box, you can see why B wanted it.  Oh, boys!)  At first, it seemed too gooey, but after sitting overnight it was perfect.  The 2nd was a recipe from a book that we borrowed from the library.  This one did not turn out well. I am not sure if we messed up or the recipe was bad.  It was way too watery!!  Last time we used this recipe from PBS kids and it came out much better.

I have used the slime recipes when talking about solids and liquids.  The kids think it is cool how using the school glue goes to a solid glob.

Making slime/putty

Easy science experiments for the pre-k through 2nd grade classroom

1 comment:

  1. Great posts by you and students must keep themselves busy and I just loved it that how you making them busy. Great idea for the students


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