
A Fact Family!!!

I have been working with my students the past two week on fact families. We did some activities that I found on other fantastic teaching blogs and a song that I wrote to the tune of the Addam's Family. The kids LOVED that song and we had to video tape it for the music teacher. So I wanted to share it with everyone in hopes that someone may be able to also use it. I use three numbers that form a family in the song, but they could always be changed so that you could review other fact families. Here are some links to the other things I used to help us learn Fact Families:
Fact Family Unifix Trains
Fact Family Ideas
I also used a Fact Family Trains Recording Booklet, but I can't seem to find the blog that it came from. If I do I will post it. Fact Family Song Photobucket

1 comment:

  1. I love this! So cute and creative!

    I have some leprechaun *freebies* that I would love for you to come and grab! Race to the Rainbow is a dice game my kiddos are crazy about!

    I would love for you to follow me...I want to see your adorable Pirate Tweet button...I adore all of the Tweets! =)

    Heather's Heart


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