

Hurricane Sandy means no school and a new product!

Color by the code
Well, I am home due to hurricane Sandy. The little corner of our town that my family and I live in does not flood, however, I can't say that for the rest of the town. I never experienced a flood day until I started teaching here. It is amazing how some of the town families have lived her for a 100 years and even after all of the floods they have experienced will never leave. Small town living is that awesome.

 Since I am home I thought I would work on something I have been planning in my head. This is an activity to practice sight words or numbers (although really we could add math facts, etc to it also). Students color the squares by the code to reveal the answer to a question or riddle. I started because I want to continue working on numbers with my student that I made the monster cover up for. (If you missed it, click here to get your freebie!) This quick activity then spiraled into covering some of the sight words that our first grade students are working on.
 I used Clip Art from my new favorite place for FREE graphics, free clip art .

 I also used a new font called What the teacher wants from Kimberly Geswein Fonts. It was created with the input from another fantastic blog, What the Teacher Wants.

 Please let me know what you think and if this works for your students. If the kiddos like them I will make more. Click the link below the picture to get your copy. Hope you are all staying safe and dry! Photobucket

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