

Pencil Sharpener Love!

So, I have this pencil sharpener and I kind of fell in love with it. (SHHHHH!  Don't tell my husband!). I bought my first one a few years ago with a fewer of my fellow teachers.  We bought a 3 pack to try out.  Well, they were a hit!  So much that this school year our PTO bought one for EVERY teacher in the building.  On top of that some teachers have 4 in their classrooms.  That way each table has their own.

These pencil sharpeners where made for classrooms by an elementary school teacher.  Who to know better what torture we put pencil sharpeners through?!  What I love about these sharpeners (besides they sharpen pencils) is that they are easy to use, you can buy replacement parts, and remember how when we were in school cleaning the pencil sharpener always ended up Ina big mess?  Well these awesome sharpeners have an easy to pull out drawer that makes those pen pick shaving messes a thing of the past!

Also, since I have bought my first sharpener, Troy has come up with new colors, designs, and what I am most excited about..... A sharpener for large pencils!  You know, those big pencils that are great for our early learners or special ed kiddos who need something larger to grasp.  Yes, those pencils..... I think this one is going on my wish list.

Are you ready to check it out?  Head on over to Classroom Friendly Supplies to see what the fuss is all about!  You can find lots of rave reviews, more pictures, FAQs, and more.  

I hope you love this sharpener as much as I do!

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