So anyway, on to my pirate week at school. We made pirate spy glasses. I think these were my favorite and the most of the kids favorite. To make them we first talked about how pirates use a spy glass to see off of their ship. Then we got to work making out own. We used paper towel rolls (Upcycling!!) and decorated them with markers and ocean themed foam stickers. Then I took a piece of clear saran wrap and attached it to the end of the spy glass with a rubber band. That was it! Simple and the kids had a ball during free play making up pirate stories and going on treasure hunts.
When we went outside, I told the kids they would have to walk the plank before they could go to the playground. If they made it through the sharks they would be ok. I wish I took a picture of the look on their faces when I told them this. It was hysterical! As you can see from the picture our plank was simply a ramp that they walked across, but they loved it.

In honor of my pirate week, I decided to link up with Teaching Tribune again (They are having some great linkys this summer!) and discount two of my products 50%. The first product is Shipwrecked. This is a sight word game featuring cute pirates! The other one is Where is the Turkey? bundle (Yes, I know it is not a pirate theme, but go with it!!). This is an interactive book that has a classroom edition and a student edition. It works on positional words.
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