

Gingerbread Man!!! (Freebie)

I am linking up with Carla over at Comprehension Connections for her Thematic Thursday (Yes, I know it is only Wednesday!, I am getting a head start.)!

I have posted about my Gingerbread stuff before, but I wanted to share again for all of our new shipmates!

I love doing a week of Gingerbread man and all of the activities that go with it. One of my favorite activities (which I cant find a picture of right now) is making Gingerbread man ornaments.  Then one day just before break while the kids are out of the room, the ginger bread men all run away.  We go on a hunt for them throughout the building by following clues that are left behind. This works on so many skills, communication, social skills, reading, gross motor and it is just plain old fun!!!  I found the clues pre-made somewhere, again not sure where. (I think finals has my brain a bit foggy!)

Another activity I do is use this  interactive book featuring cute little gingerbread men (and women) during circle time. These gingerbread people are dreaming of being put in the correct spot such as over the house or between the elves.  My students have loved this book!

Last, but not least  is this gingerbread themed practice sheet works on time to the nearest 5 minutes.  I made this for a group I had a few years ago.  You can get it by going to this link!

I would love to know what Gingerbread themed activities you do in your room.  Leave a comment or link up over at Carla's blog!

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