

My favorite things

Hello!!! Welcome all of the new shipmates to Learning Ahoy!! Are you enjoying the blog hop?  So many great things up for grabs and lots of great products 50% off!!! (Be sure to search for #myfavoritethings2014 in TPT to easily find everything)  So now it is my turn to share my favorite things.(Make sure you go all the way to the bottom so you can enter the giveaways!)

One of my favorite ways to start the holiday season is to visit my family Christmas tree farm.  My grandfather started this farm when I was just a baby and I grew up helping him.  My boys have grown to love the farm just as much as I do!  This picture of B was taken at Thanksgiving when we made our annual trip to start off our Christmas season.

So my next favorite thing to share is my favorite restaurant.  Now, I am not sure if it counts as a restaurant, but I big puffy heart Dunkin' Doughnuts.  I love their coffee and their doughnuts.  I think it goes back to being younger and my dad always stopping at DD when we went to "The Shore" to visit family.  I am working on passing this love onto my children. (I promise there was no coffee in that cup and he had a pacifier in his mouth. )

my third favorite thing to share is an It Works! Body Wrap.  I love this for the holidays because it helps with all of the holiday extras you eat!  And to help one of you out with those extras, a wrap is what I donated to the giveaways.

If you want to check out what I have marked down head over to my TPT store .  If you have had your eye on Oh snow! or Where is the Gingerbread man? now is your chance to get them at 50% off!

Because we value our followers and wanted to treat you to our favorite things Oprah style, we have put together the best giveaway of the season! My bloggy friends and I welcome you to the best, biggest, most cheerful event of the season:

7 winners for 7 prize packs!

Come and enter the giveaway and check out my bloggy friends' favorite things:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. I'm a DD lover too. My children actually sneak sips of my coffee. Pumpkin Mocha is my current favorite flavor.

    Quinnessential Lessons

  2. Growing up in the midwest I can remember going out to Christmas tree farms to cut down our tree. Great childhood memories! Thanks for sharing.

  3. I love your pictures of the Christmas tree farm. What great memories!
    Adele @ Smart Teaching


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